Thursday, August 22, 2013

How to fix CPS

                                                How to fix CPS
To fix CPS you have to realize their is a problem and acknowledge it in its entirety.

Most have came to acknowledge that CPS traffics children for federal funding.
What people do not realize is the HHS is larger than the Military in commerce.
It was reported in 2010 that over 1,400,000 Americans were on active duty; another 833,000 were in the reserves, many full time. Another 1,600,000 Americans work in companies that supply the military with everything from weapons to utensils.

If we didn’t have this giant military, the U.S. unemployment rate would be over 11.5 percent today instead of 9.5 percent. HHS is even BIGGER than the Military. YES BIGGER than the Military. Accordding to the 2014 Budget Brief  
The President’s fiscal year (FY) 2014 Budget for HHS
includes investments needed to support the health
and well-being of the nation, and legislative proposals that would save an estimated net
$361.1 billion over 10 years. The Budget totals  $967.3 billion in outlays and proposes $80.1 billion in discretionary budget authority.

This not including the county and Sate budget for public defenders, Guardian ad litums, and Juvenile counsel. With out HHS our unemployment rate could go from 7.6(may 2013) to as high as 30. 5 over night triggering a domino effect.

How to fix CPS:

Create a special Child abuse Unit  simular to Special operation in every law enforcement agency to handle all child abuse reports.  Take any and all authority from CPS to take children or investigate any child abuse. Start a CPS transitional System, aimed at transitioning the current children in CPS back into Society. (see transitional system). Once all children are transitioned back into Society no CPS system should EVER existed. If a Child abuse officer feels enough evidence is warranted to a crime against a child the ABUSER is to be handcuffed and removed from the home of the child. If the abuser is a parent and no adult family members is availible in the home to take responsibility due to history of child abuse, current drug abuse or other reason, that child should be place with a next of kin out side of that home. If their is no Family willing or able to take such child the child is to be placed in a child shelter ran by the child abuse unit with some contracted employees for care. All shelters are to have real time Cameras in every area except bathroom, bedrooms etc... all rooms that are exempt from cameras for privacy are to have cameras on the doors that record in real time. If no family can not be fount in any state of any country and the Parent arrested for said crime is fount guilty, a jury is to decide rather that person is reunificatable or not and what is needed for any such reunification granted. If the child has no family and the parent is fount by the jury not to be reunificatable. Then the child is then and only then legally an orphane that can be adopted and is to be adopted if the child has a condition, behavoir or for any reason can’t be adopted and requires special placement a Jury is to decide what placement that will be.

Transitional System:
  Special Child abuse Unit  Transitional investigators should be a signed to go thru current Foster care cases to contact and interview the parents that CPS had removed the children from. If the parent is able and willing to take children the children should be returned imediatly. Meaning if they have no REAL conviction from a criminal court of child abuse, pass a drug test and can supply the basic needs then children are to be allowed to return if they choose. If the children refuses then the children and parents should be refered to transitional family counseling. If the parent is unable to take the child due to finacial reasons
the parents should be refered to Social services  that should be set up to help such parents.  All  Grandfathered Instituions are to allow full asses at anytime by the Special Child abuse Unit to investigate any alleged abuse and have full excess to alleged victims with the  ability to remove and place into the new system in such abuse is fount with abuser arrested. All grandfathered institutions  left with any nontransitional children are to install real time cameras of all non private areas and the doors of such private areas.

How to replace Jobs lost

Create a Drug court System
Permant Istitutionalization of of convicted Pedophiles